After a crazy couple of months spending WAY more time than we expected on GDPR compliance, we’re pleased to get back to shipping new features and improvements in the coming weeks 🙂
Initially, we’ll provide basic details of the forthcoming functionality, and we’ll then update this post with more information as we get to beta and final release stages later this month.
The items outlined below will incrementally appear on our platform during June and into July, along with a new app update which will preview on our Tap-to app in late June, followed by a general app release to all customers in the first weeks of July.
We hope this helps you with planning and knowing what to expect. On to the cool new stuff!
App Improvements and New Features
New “Attachment” Form Field Type
We’re adding a brand new field type to the Form designer which will allow the user to attach any kind of file from their device into a Form entry. This file will be uploaded to our platform and become available for download and API access, in much the same way as Media files are currently accessible. Such functionality has been a long-standing request from customers, so we’re excited to finally ship it to you!
Dynamic Image Loading for Section, Media and Sketch Form Fields
Another long-running customer request has been the ability to load images dynamically into various Form fields, e.g. through a data source column or a formula result. We’re now adding this to the relevant Form field types, through support for dynamic download of images from a specified (or dynamically generated) URL. Images downloaded in this manner will be cached on the device for faster subsequent loads.
Population of Table Fields and Repeatable Pages from a Data Source
Yep, it’s finally on the slate 🙂 This will open up some amazing new options for dynamic Forms, but it is a very complex undertaking, and we’re not 100% sure this feature will hit our quality requirements before our planned release dates. We’ll update progress as this status becomes clearer.
“Stretch” Option for Image Annotations
When adding an annotation to an image, app users will now be able to stretch the chosen annotation vertically or horizontally as desired to achieve a more custom annotation effect.
Force Sync Interaction Option
A new option to initiate app synchronisation, based on a user interaction, is coming soon to all Screen designers, and will ship in the June/July app release.
Improved support for DS formula functions in Screens
We’re correcting some issues with specifying filters on DS formula functions in Detail and other Screens. Previously references to {{this}} on DS function filters were being incorrectly inferred by the app as applying to the data source assigned to the detail screen, and not the data source referenced in the formula function.
Web Portal and Platform Improvements
Menu Customisation
Yes, we know this has been promised for a while now! This change was deemed too high a risk to release in the midst of our GDPR frenzy, so it was temporarily held back. Good news though – customised menus are now cleared for release 🙂
If you are a Website as a Service customer, keep an eye on the “Customise Site” area of the Branding Center for new options appearing there within the next week – for real this time we promise!
Support for Multiple Connections of the Same Type
This will likely be an Enterprise Toolkit feature, and will enable cases where a customer wants to connect multiple accounts/systems of the same type for use in Connectors.
More Web Portal User Permissions
We’re adding new permissions to control user access to the Billing and Branding Center areas. This will allow greater granularity of user access controls, particularly for cases where users need higher levels of general access – e.g. Enterprise Admin.
Minor Web Portal Tweaks
- Uncertainty about your current Screen design version is being eliminated with a new version number tag added to the page title on all Screen design/building pages in the web portal
- Screen design previews more accurately reflect multi-line title/hint scenarios – for example, static text added into Section fields for disclaimer purposes
- Data Source row exports will better handle very large row counts without failing or timing out
- Better Connector errors in notifications, particularly to identify the specific Connector failing
Bug Fixes
Over the past few months, we’ve been accumulating app fixes and compatibility upgrades. This list will be detailed in the coming weeks and will ship as part of our June/July app release.
- Fixed refresh of Global Value data, particularly when used within Icon Boards and other Screens
- Fixes to sporadic issues with iOS QR scanning
- Fixed Table field crash when blank rows are loaded therein
- Fixed Form entry editing case in web portal where Display and Value columns were not being reflected correctly in Choices dropdowns
- Fixed issues caused by users being able to disable all app icons as well as system/annotation icons in the Customize Icons page.
- Fix for app crashes where a field is bound to a Data Source column as well as a Global Value