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New Platform Management Page!

You may have noticed that things are a little different 🙂

December 2014 was a busy time for us as we worked overtime getting a bunch of new features and functionality developed.
Starting today, we’re going to be shipping these features in rapid succession.

Leading the charge is this new Manage Platform page.

Our aim is that this page should serve as your key dashboard and starting point for platform update news and all things platform related.
It’s still fairly beta, and we’re working out kinks with the various integrations it involves, so let our support team know if you have any issues or see incorrect values being reported.

From a billing perspective, this page marks the first time that we’ve offered a real time preview of your next invoice, and is the result of a lot of work to integrate our billing system directly into the platform.
We’re excited about giving you much finer grained visibility over your next month’s expenses, and hope it proves helpful.

In addition to the bill preview functionality, we’ve also integrated our accounting system to allow you to view your entire invoicing history.
We’re still hooking up a few remaining accounts to this integration, so if you don’t see your history today don’t worry – it will become available soon!

Another key direction for this page is providing you access to the latest statuses for the platform.
In the coming weeks, we will provide a consolidate log of all connector events across all your client accounts.
This piece of work will result in a simple notification feature that will give you immediate warning about connectors that have failed to run, and why.
Seeing this kind of information has been one of our most common customer requests, so we’re making it happen.

Over time we will add more to the Manage Platform page, driven as always by your feedback.
So let us know what you think of it so far, and if you have any suggestions for improvements hit up our Ideas forum!