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New V2 API Explorer

We’re always looking to make our integration API as accessible and easy to understand as possible for developers.
To date this has been achieved by having detailed documentation on each API endpoint and option, but today we’ve released a new way to discover and understand our APIs – introducing the API Explorer!

You can access the API Explorer right now on:

If you are using a branded website, simply tack “/apiexplorer” on your custom domain name.

Built on the awesome Swagger open source library, we’ve exposed all our current version 2 API endpoints in an easy to understand visual format.
Browse each available endpoint and its supported HTTP verbs, view the model properties and even test out calls to the API right there in the API Explorer.
Simply put – its a integrators dream and we think it should make API integration projects that much easier to implement 🙂

While the primary focus of the Explorer is on JSON format requests and responses, there are areas where you can specify an XML response type to get an idea of what the API requires and responds with on the XML side too.

The API Explorer is a dynamic, living document of our new version 2 API and is generated directly from our API code, thus allowing you to have confidence that what you see in the Explorer is exactly what is supported and available right now on the API.

There’s More!  New Version 2 APIs

If you poke around the API Explorer, you’ll notice that we have also released new API endpoints:

  • Form Entry now available as version 2.
    This is the big one on this release – we’ve kept almost all of the options from V1, but also added a new Rich form answer option which gives you access to the answer data type information.
  • Screen API
    This gives you access to the basic field elements of Form screen designs.
    The idea is that you can easily pull down the data typing and field information for a Form, and use this to create matching data structures on your own systems.
    We plan to add more to this API over the coming months.
  • User Groups API
    Like the name says, a simple API for search/create/update/delete of User Groups on the platform
  • Folder API
    Purely a search function for now, but we will add full create/update/delete support soon.

These new APIs are ready for production use right now, though we plan to add more properties and options to these as we continue forward.
For example on the Form Entry side, we plan on adding a “AnswersCSV” option to receive answers in a flat CSV format for easier import into spreadsheets and database tables.

We’re also already hard at work on the V2 version of our Task API, with a number of improvements planned for this – particularly around templates and preset answers.

As always, any feedback on the above is welcomed – we’re building these features for you, so let us know what we’re missing!