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Easy Wins: 3 Ways to Do More With Data Sources

In our recent Namaqualand webinar, we showcased the new features that were developed to make your life easier. We had great attendance and would like to thank everyone who made time to be there.

During the course of the last month, we released two new features you might want to take note of.

We’d also like to take a look at 3 lesser-known features that’ll help you better use Data Sources.

Enjoy 🍸

Easy wins # 1 - how to be more effective with data sources blog header

New Features For Easier Data Management

Before we get stuck into how you can manage data sources with less effort, let’s look at our two new features for this month… 

“From” Field Populated By User Data On Email Connectors

By default, the “From” details on emails sent by our Connector will show as your company name and sender address, as configured in your organization setup.
With this option selected, the submitting user’s email address and name will be set as the “From” information instead.

"From" field population view

Added A Checkbox To The Google Sheets Form Connector To Update Headers

When enabled, the Google Sheet headers will be updated each time the connector is processed.

Update headers from Google sheets feature
That’s it for the new features. Now let’s dive into those easy wins.

1. Conditional Display Rules on Data Sources

Did you know you can colour-code Data Source column data? This makes it a lot easier to differentiate between, for example, different brands.

List of items showcasing this feature
By using our Conditional Display rules for Data Source row values, you can define rules that make column values appear in different colours –  based on the formula result.

By setting colours based on certain conditions, you can make your Listing, Mapping, and Choices fields more eye-catching and organized.

Access this feature by clicking on the settings cog on a column in your data source.

The user view of this feature
Want to learn more? Read our support article here.

2. Default Row Display

The Default Row Display property allows you to control how your rows in the Data Source will appear on the app by default. You can find this on the settings page of a Data Source and under the advanced options section.

User view of this second feature
For instance, the layout on choices fields in Form screens can be set to use the List of Choices display style. So you can have larger title text appear with smaller subtitle text underneath.

Image type columns can also appear as thumbnails on each row by assigning the thumbnail position.

Example view of this feature in action in the Appenate mobile client
Using the Default Row Display can help level-up the regular choices field and provide additional detail, making it easier for users to identify their selection.

3. Built-In data sources (Active Users, Incomplete Task, Drafts, Published Docs)

We provide a few Built-in data sources with your Appenate account. You can use these data sources within your solutions. 

For example, enabling users to email other team members with the output from their form entry. Using the Active Users data source bound to a choices field, your user can select the team member they’d like to email. 

You could also create Listing screens to view your Entry Drafts, Entry History, Incomplete Tasks, and Published docs.

Example view of the built-in data source feature
That’s all for this month. If you have any questions about these features, please send customer success an email and we’ll be happy to help. 

Stay safe.