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“Appenate is a next-level solution
for superior data management.”

Donovan Schult (Head of Technology @MPAMOT)

[MPAMOT Africa & Appenate]

Better Data – Better Results

Today, we spotlight MPAMOT Africa, a valued customer specializing in engineering and advisory services. We spoke with Donovan Schult, their Head of Technology, about the operational improvements they’ve seen since adopting Appenate. This case study highlights how they’ve significantly enhanced data quality and operational performance using our platform.

Business Goal

To eliminate data re-work and inaccuracies and to collect data more reliably.


A Mobile App Builder with built-in conditional logic, input validation & workflow automation.


Enhanced data quality, improved task completion time & boost in project confidence.

Mission: Data Quality & Time Savings

MPAMOT turned to Appenate for help conducting expert infrastructure assessments accurately and on time. They wanted to eliminate the time-consuming and costly reworks of inaccurate surveys and ultimately boost project confidence.

Integrating a mobile-first data solution also reinforced their ‘digital first‘ philosophy, lending to their ever-growing competitive advantage.

“We tested many competitor products but none of them gave us the level of flexibility and support that Appenate has provided.” – Donovan

Conditional Assessment Apps

Conditional assessments check the health and performance of assets and infrastructure to ensure everything runs smoothly and efficiently—MPAMOT’s main use case. They carry out a wide variety of these, from bridge inspections to assessing industrial complexes.

To enhance their conditional assessments, they’ve built highly customized apps using our platform.
With these apps, they’ve achieved:

  • Less time spent on site.
  • Improved data quality compared to error-prone handwritten notes.
  • Improved field team performance.
  • Notable enhancement of client services.

“The types of data that can be collected by our apps open numerous opportunities for us to continually improve the services we offer to our clients.” – Donovan

Top Utilized Features

Donovan highlighted that our photo capture feature is indispensable to them.

The meta-data stamp on photos, including crucial details like time, date, and location, is incredibly useful for maintaining accurate records. This feature ensures every photo taken in the field is precisely documented, eliminating any guesswork.

The ability to annotate photos directly in the field adds another layer of utility. By marking up photos with notes and highlights on the spot, their team can provide clearer, more detailed information. This has proven invaluable for quickly and effectively communicating specific issues or observations.

Pre-populated tables have also been a game changer. These tables streamline data entry by providing a standardized format that their team can fill out easily.

SAFE School Initiative

MPAMOT is playing a key role in the SAFE (Sanitation Appropriate For Education) Schools program in South Africa, an initiative that sprouted after a series of student accidents took place. They’ve developed custom apps to help replace pit latrines in rural schools with proper sanitation facilities.

These apps make it easy to collect all necessary data remotely, even without internet access, and automatically generate branded reports.

You can scope out all their Education projects here.

Driving Renewable Energy Projects in SA

They’re also leading the charge on several renewable energy projects in South Africa, serving as the Lenders Technical Advisor. Their teams of experts are always out and about, collecting and assessing data from various sites.

These assessments cover everything from construction monitoring and health and safety reporting to progress tracking and engineering oversight. Often, their teams head to remote locations, using our apps to gather site-specific data for detailed analysis and reporting.

When we asked if Appenate is well suited to serve businesses in the renewable energy sector, Donovan returned a resounding “yes.” They believe our platform is perfect for any organization that wants to reliably capture field-data in unruly terrains with spotty internet – typical Renewable Energy environments.

“As a field data capture tool that works in remote environments, it is probably the best you can find.” – Donovan

Click here to see what they’re getting up to in the Renewable Energy space.

Evolving Together

Donovan expressed immense satisfaction with our support. He finds our team consistently responsive, knowledgeable, and always ready to assist, ensuring smooth operations and successful project outcomes.

“Extremely satisfied with the support provided by Appenate. The team is always responsive, knowledgeable, and ready to help.” – Donovan

On top of that, our integrations ensure their ecosystem is always evolving – helping them connect to external databases and reporting tools.

Together, we have built a robust and positive alliance that continues to innovate and enhance how MPAMOT manages and delivers their projects.

Donovan Schult


MPAMOT Africa is a consultancy firm specializing in engineering, environment & project management services across Africa.

Headquaters: Johannesburg, South Africa


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