Achieve Paperless Operations: 90 Days For $90 On New Accounts. 15 Premium Users Included!

How Appenate Works For

The Logistics Industry

Create Easy-To-Use Apps For Every Step Of The Way. Mobile & Desktop

Full Access. No Credit Card Required
Logistics worker with screenshots of Logistics Apps

Give Your Data Wings

Tracking driver locations, finding stock or capturing and submitting information from the site of an incident has never been easier. Create unlimited mobile apps for all your logistics needs with an easy-to-use drag-n-drop app builder. 

Capture photos, audio recordings and more

Simplify log sheets with easy app submissions

Asset tracking and real-time updating

Check asset locations with a handy asset map

Create as many apps and forms as you need

Ditch Paper For Good

Escape the unreliability of paper forms, log sheets and timesheets by replacing all of that with an easy-to-use mobile app.

Even the most stubborn technophobe has been delighted by Appenate’s ability to make information capture quick and simple. 

Image of Shipping port for logistics
Logistics workers next to free support and training strip

Free Training & Support For Life

Appenate uses a simple drag-n-drop interface to make creating apps as simple as possible. That said, the sheer magnitude of our platform can be a little intimidating at first. Which is why we offer free training and support for life to our customers. 

This way you can rest assured that when you need help, you’ll have always have someone at Appenate to jump in and help. 

Why not put us to the test with a free trial now? 

Mobile Forms in Under 5 Minutes